If you have been looking for a place for business registration Mauritius, then you are at the right place. TBI Mauritius is an offshore company formation agent that can assist you throughout the process. We can personally help you to choose the best legal structure to register offshore companies in Mauritius. Whether you are looking for a business that is outside the purview of the tax authorities, or a place to register your company with a single shareholder, or to set up a private offshore company in Mauritius, we can help. Our expert personnel can provide you with detailed information on each type of registrable entity in Mauritius.
Why you need to setting up a company in Mauritius
Although Mauritius is a small island country in the Indian Ocean, it is well connected to the rest of the world. With its strategically located airport, the ease of doing business, and a friendly and welcoming culture, Mauritius is quickly becoming a preferred destination for businesses and individuals who are looking to do business in Africa and in the Indian Ocean. In fact, it is already known as the Switzerland of the Indian Ocean.
Why our services
For a lot of people, setting up a business is a really daunting task. It is not easy to choose the right business idea, the right type of company and the right services. If you’re looking for those, TBI Mauritius might be able to help you. We know that starting your own business is a scary thing; you have to make a lot of decisions all at once. And all you really want to do is to be able to focus on your business while we take care of the legal and financial side of things.
Advantages of Business Registration in Mauritius
Mauritius offers a lot to foreign investors, whether they are setting up business for the first time or want to relocate their businesses. A lot of foreign investors are taking advantage of Mauritius' tax-free regime and convenient incorporation process to set up shop, the island has a good reputation of being a low-tax, low-corruption jurisdiction. Additionally, Mauritius is home to a well-educated and multilingual workforce, which is always beneficial for business.
Some of the major advantages of incorporating in Mauritius include:
1.Visa Free Entry
2. No Capital Gains Tax
3. No Withholding Tax
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